Come help us celebrate the life of Cooper DeSpain in our annual Shoot for Coop sporting clay fundraiser.
Our Story
Our son, Cooper, was tragically lost in an ATV accident on August the 8th of 2014. Our world stopped. As our family and friends continue to share the burden of our grief, the desire to keep his beautiful spirit and memory alive is vital to all of us. As a family, we decided to create a college scholarship memorial to be received by several graduates of Marble Falls High School, Burnet High School, and other neighboring schools, each and every year.
How it Works
Through the help and proceeds provided by our close community, we are able to endow the Shoot for Coop Scholarship fund. Through the annual clay shoot fundraiser we created, which has been so very successful (and so much fun), we have been abundantly blessed by being able to give several scholarships to deserving young students for camp, college, and career skills certifications. As the funds increase each year, so will the scholarships!

David & Trenton DeSpain
Cooper’s Parents
We are very honored to be part of a community that allows us to celebrate his life in this manner. We are blessed to see how this community serves others.