Team, Payment, Registration & Waiver Information
Registration & Team Information
Team Options (4 Person):
Men’s Team – $700
Co-Ed Team – $700
Women’s Team – $500
Youth Team (age 15 & under) – $250
Preferred Payment Options
- Venmo
- @ShootFor-Coop
- Check
- Drop off at Broadway Showroom
- Mail to Cooper Ray DeSpain Memorial Scholarship Fund
- 14415 S. FM 1174, Marble Falls, TX 78654
- If needed PayPal is available
- If you have a PayPal account – Shoot For Coop
- If you do not have a PayPal account, please use the Make a Donation button (below)

- Hidden Falls Adventure Park will require all guests to sign a property liability waiver upon entering the park.
- Copperhead Creek Shooting Club will also require all competitors to sign a rules & liability waiver at the check-in/registration table the day of the event.
- NOTE: ALL team members will be required to complete this waiver prior to team registration.
- To make the check-in process run smoothly we request each team check-in as a group.
- Any minor under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a Legal Guardian.
- Applies to participants and spectators.
- A Legal Guardian Waiver is required to be completed prior to the event date if a minor will be attending the event without their Legal Guardian. Please use the below link to complete the waiver.
If you are unable to attend our Shoot for Coop event, but would like to donate, you can do so by clicking the button below.
Donations can be given at any time. Thank you for donating!